The impact of resonance on your child's health

Resonance in the classroom can have a negative impact on children's health. This occurs when the ambient noise in a classroom is such that children cannot hear their teacher clearly or concentrate on their work. This can be caused by a number of factors such as; large numbers of students in the classroom, lack of soundproofing materials, and noisy activities in the room or outside.

Here are 4 of the negative effects of resonance on children's health:

Excessive noise: resonance can increase the noise level in a room, which can lead to hearing overload and sleep problems for the child.
Echo: Resonance can cause vibrations in a room and make it difficult to concentrate, thus negatively impacting on learning.
Tension: resonance can be stressful for the child and contribute to tension and anxiety.
Health problems: resonance can increase the likelihood of headaches, fatigue or other health problems in children.
To minimise the impact of classroom resonance on children's health, one of the most important measures is to reduce the acoustic reverberation rate of the room. Installing sound absorbing materials in classrooms will directly reduce reverberation levels and improve the quality of the sound environment.

Dabso 🔇 has developed a decorative acoustic frame, made from eco-friendly and non-toxic materials 🍃, to reduce resonance in rooms by absorbing the noise created during activities.

Dabso offers the possibility to perform an online acoustic test to measure the reverberation of the noise present in the room. The result of this test will guide you to the amount of Dabso absorbent needed to achieve optimal hearing comfort.

April 28, 2023, 12:36 a.m.